Why work with a coach?
It’s widely accepted that a coach helps you identify and focus on what’s important, which accelerates your success. The best coaches create a safe environment in which you’re able to see yourself more clearly; Identify gaps between where you want to be and where you are now.
Successful athletes and teams have always understood the power of coaching, just look at the All Blacks! Innovative companies understand that coaching can help career-minded professionals increase their performance at work and also improve an organisations financial performance.
One on One Coaching
Team Coaching
Strategy Workshops
Leadership Development
Conflict Resolution
Cultural Transformation
Here’s how you can hire me for perhaps the most interactive remote (and Live) coaching events you are ever likely to experience.
Sounds like a really big claim doesn’t it?
Well, during these ‘remote-working times’ I’ve developed what I call ‘Remote Coaching Magic’ here’s a very brief overview of how it works:
It’s a truly collaborative process. I bring together the minds and brainpower in the room and multiply them (like a super computer) in a uniquely interactive way. This process enables everyone to finally arrive in the same place and then to be able to go out and achieve their individual goals and the mission of the company through a mix of Purpose, Vision, Values and Strategies.
So, let’s do it – trust in the process… It works!
If you have a particular theme that I can help you deliver let me know or you can pick from one of mine below – I’ve delivered these to 1000’s of people and they never fail to engage head and heart! They can be from 18min Ted style to year-long relationships.

Vierklang is globally proven, collaborative LIVE Strategy Coaching that uses ‘swarm intelligence’ to engage everyone in the company to build the Purpose, Vision, Values and Strategies. This model drives strategic company growth and employee motivation and embeds it for years into the future.

This event is devoted entirely to the subject of ‘Feedback’. When surveyed, managers practically all agree it’s an essential piece in their toolbox. But did you know that 85% of the time most managers have been getting feedback totally wrong without even knowing it! (There’s a high probability you are one of them). I’ll teach you the trick – there are three situations of Feedback that are – and three that are not, can you guess?

I have created a keynote that packs 7 months’ worth of psychological scripts into just 4 hours. With this method I have helped hundreds of companies since 2008. All were amazed how quick and easy it is to elicit a truthful set of core values – no matter how young or old the company is.

In this keynote I’ll share how we all can have positive impact on the people around us in business and in life – with a hugely valuable toolbox of methods and mindsets for communicating in very powerful and easy ways.

My availability
I do limit the amount of time I devote to keynotes and coaching events as I have ongoing commitments with business leaders that I am actively coaching, and participant ‘Chiefs’ in our ‘Chief of the Year’ and ‘Leaders Forum’ programs at CoA Academy so make me an offer of why you’d like to hire me that I can’t refuse!
All the options above can be delivered remotely and in-person, but I recommend the power I bring to ‘remote’ through my love of technology through multiple channels. I am someone with a deep love of entertaining both verbally and musically in order to change whole groups be they small or literally 100’s. Let’s go, let’s make a difference!
A little about me:
Some might say I have a colorful past with over 25 years as a business angel, founder, corporate executive and as a consultant. In my early days I even worked as a medic helping to save lives. However, with my work as a leadership coach and a founder of CoA Academy I see my purpose today as “helping people to achieve goals with ease”. I’ve published a book called ‘Chief of Anything’ in German, English and French and also have a Podcast by the same name.

After 10 years abroad, I returned to my home country of Germany together with my wife and daughters to be closer to my wider family again. Lastly, music is a really important part of my life, put me in a room with a piano and I’ll gladly sing a few songs with you.
What people say about me
(some actual quotes that my clients were happy to share – anonymously of course!)
For Workshops:
Incredibly interesting, humorous and fresh seminar - there is no "dry theory knowledge", but real practical knowledge and experience is communicated here.
For One on One Coaching:
Michael is simply always super helpful and gives me just the right perspective on the really important decisions!
For Team Coaching:
Team building training was sensational. As a group, we have not only met the different personalities, but also understood why it is important that all forms are in the team and contribute to the success of the team.
Thank you for the training, we'll be happy to do that again!
I’m always learning and these people have inspired me – they’ll inspire you too!

Tuesdays with Morrie
An old man, a young man, and life’s greatest lesson

Good to Great
Why Some Companies Make the Leap… and Others Don’t

Virtuoso Teams
Lessons from Teams That Changed Their Worlds

The 5 Dysfunctions of a Team
A Leadership Fable

Trillion Dollar Coach
The Leadership Playbook of Silicon Valley’s Bill Campbell

Changing The Way You think To Fulfil Your Potential